Kennewick, Wash. –
Halloween is a night when children go out and collect candy.
Most people know their neighbors and know they hand out perfectly safe candy.
Pasco Fire Department public information officer Ben Shearer says you should still check your kids’ candy.
Shearer tells me ” If it’s not wrapped up in the original wrapper or those kinds of things. I always worry about that kind of stuff. You never know where the home is that it’s coming out of. Homemade goodies I’ve always worried about that, not that I worry so much about it being poisonous but if it’s not being made in front of me, you never really know what the conditions are that it’s made under.”
Krisheena Krause is a parent who says she makes her child’s safety her top priority when trick or treating.
She makes sure that they are carrying a flashlight or wearing a brightly colored vest.
Krause says that she will go through her kids’ candy and make sure it’s sealed.
Krause says she prefers to take her kids to a trunk or treat event because it offers more than just candy but a safe place where her kids can go where she knows they’ll be safe.
She tells me “A lot of places now do trunk or treat or harvest festivals, things like that, a more controlled environment.