A computer science engineer named Christopher Minson created a simulation that calculates what would happen in the United States during an all-out nuclear war. The simulation takes 2 hours, launches just over 1,000 warheads, and kills over 186,000,000 people. After the full attack is over, you’ll be surprised which northwest city would be the best place to survive the attack.
The Northwest Attack Starts in Great Falls and Seattle
At the very start of the attack, mostly the east coast is hit with heavy nukes for the first few minutes. Then Seattle gets hit with the first and Great Falls is hit multiple times.
The West Coast is Hit Hard
After almost an hour of the attack, the west coast of Washington gets hit hard with multiple warheads. Olympia, Seattle, Whidby Island, Jim Creek are all hit with multiple warheads from .2 to 1 megaton. Radiation fallout is starting to spread all over the state.
Large Populations Keep Taking Warhead Hits
The attack is spread out to mostly military sites and areas with large populations. After the full two-hour attack, Portland, Salem, Boise, Spokane, and more are hit directly. Most of the west coast of Washington has been hit with multiple large warheads and the fallout has covered half of the state.
What Does the Rest of the United States Look Like?
The full damage from the attack is staggering. After over 1,000 warheads the estimate is that over 186 million people are killed. The east coast and the south are hit the hardest with most of the west coast only hit in large population areas.
What is the Biggest Danger to Tri-Cities Washington During This Attack?
Believe it or not, the biggest danger we face during the attack is not directly from a warhead or radiation fallout. The biggest danger is a direct hit to Grand Coulee Dam. If the .2 megaton warhead manages to destroy the dam causing it to breach, we are in trouble. All that water behind the dam would come rushing towards us. The direct impact of that is a US secret that is difficult to find any information on. Just know it will be bad if it happens.
What’s the Best Case Scenario for Surviving the Attack?
Looking at the data after the attack is over, the area I live comes out mostly untouched.
If you look at the northwest specifically, the most untouched larger population area is the Tri-Cities. The biggest danger we face besides the dam breaking would be the fallout from an attack on Seatec. The fallout would stretch almost to Richland with most of our area not affected by radiation fallout. Umatilla is hit by a .2 megaton burst but most of the radiation floats east away from us. We would also be sheltered by that blast some by the topography around us.
Where Can I Find the Minson Simulation?
You can find the simulation on Christopher Minson’s website here. Once there you can watch the simulation and look at the data of each impact for yourself. You can simulate an attack on any city in the United States you choose. You can also choose the strength of the warhead used and then see the estimated damage all calculated for you. It is interesting but shocking at the same time.
Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco: the Best Place to Survive the Nuke Attack
After all is said and done, as long as the Grand Coulee dam stays in one piece we would be about as good as you can be. There would be no power and we would have to fend for and feed ourselves while fighting god knows what else. But besides all that, the Tri-Cities would be the best-populated place to live while the world is ending in nuclear war…WHOOOOHOOOOO! Grab a seat and enjoy the show!
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