Saturday is Adam West Day in his hometown of Walla Walla, Washington. It’s the 5th year of the event, and promises to be a memorable day for fans of the “Bright Knight”, as West called his caped crusader.
Batman & Robin
The day is largely devoted to West’s most famous role, and why not? West portrayed Batman for three technicolor seasons on ABC TV, which rerun/stream in perpetuity. And he reprised the role several times. There was:
The New Adventures of Batman
Filmation’s Saturday Morning cartoon series in the early 1970s.
Challenge of the Superheroes/Legends of the Superheroes
A bizarre pair of NBC specials from the late 1970s, that have gained a cult following.
Return to the Batcave
Part flashback biography, part campy reunion adventure.
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders/Batman vs. Two Face
A couple of DC animated films set in the universe of Batman ’66, as it is now referred to.
There likely would have been at least one more, if not for the passing of our Bright Knight.
There have been plenty of other Bat Men over the years, but it’s hard to imagine a celebration like this for anyone other than Adam West. No knock on those other Bruce Wayne’s, but Adam West was just… FUN! In character, or out, he just brought so much joy to his fans. And now his fans are there for each other.
Road Safety With Batman
West passed away in 2017, but he no doubt would have loved this celebration. And I’m sure he’ll be there in spirit. With all this love for him gathered in one place, how could he not be?
Below is a schedule of events for Adam West Day, happening this Saturday, September 24th in West’s hometown of Walla Walla Washington.
Adam West Day, Facebook Group
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