If you’re trying to head over Snoqualmie Pass today (12/8/22), you might as well turn around because it will be closed for a while. How long is the pass expected to be closed and why for so long?
Multiple Semi Accidents Close Snoqualmie Pass Today
WSDOT has closed Snoqualmie Pass today (12/8/22) because of multiple serious accidents involving semis. The pass is closed from North Bend all the way to Ellensburg and will remain that way for most of today at least.
Why is Snoqualmie Pass Closed for so Long?
The reason the pass is expected to be closed for so long is because of multiple semi-accidents and the damage they have caused to some cement structures. The official Snoqualmie Pass report website says “I-90 is closed eastbound at milepost 34 near North Bend and westbound at milepost 106 near Ellensburg. This is an extended closure until this afternoon due to the multiple collisions and damage to several sections of concrete barrier.”
credit Twitter @snoqualmiepass @wspd6pio
What Damage was Caused by Semi Accidents in Snoqualmie Pass?
The cement barriers were moved and damaged by multiple crashes. You can see the damage in the pictures released by the Snoqualmie Pass Twitter account. They estimate it will take until later this afternoon until the damage will be fixed and the pass will be open. See the complete photo gallery of the semi-damage in Snoqualmie Pass below.
Snoqualmie Pass Damage Caused by Multiple Semi Accidents
RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds
Does your loyal pup’s breed make the list? Read on to see if you’ll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog’s intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don’t worry: Even if your dog’s breed doesn’t land on the list, that doesn’t mean he’s not a good boy–some traits simply can’t be measured.