RICHLAND, Wash. — Annual siren tests along the Columbia and Yakima rivers are scheduled for October 20 between 10 a.m. and noon, according to the press release from Energy Northwest. The tests are done by Energy Northwest in partnership with Benton and Franklin County Emergency Management and the Department of Energy.
The tests will affect parts of Benton and Franklin counties around ten miles of the Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant. Expect to hear sirens along the Columbia River between the Vernita Bridge and Leslie Groves Park, the Horn Rapids Off-Road Vehicle Park, Columbia Generating Station, recreational areas near Horn Rapids and other nearby areas, according to Energy Northwest.
The sirens will be tested multiple times; before and after each test, an announcement of the test plays. There might be an Energy Northwest representative around sirens to check the test’s success. It says the purpose of the tests is to train workers and test the equipment periodically.
A test of the Emergency Alert System will also be done, broadcasting through radio and television to test the service. The CodeRED phone notification system will be tested as well.
Members of the public don’t need to do anything in response to the tests.