The Little Fence of Hope in Richland has been re-stocked for kids in need this winter.

Mary Baylor Arquette-Nextdoor App
The Little Fence of Hope was created in 2018 at 1507 Lee Boulevard in Richland.
We live 2 blocks from an elementary school, 2 blocks from a middle school, and 3 blocks from a high school. Tons of kids walk past our house every weekday, and many of them seemed underdressed for the winter. My family and I thought it would be nice to hang hats and gloves on the fence. It would keep them a little warmer and let them know someone cared.
Mary Baylor Arquette is one woman strong with your help.
We gained support from many community members and were able to gift over 600 hats and gloves that first winter! Our second winter we started collecting and gifting jackets as well. 2020 we were able to help gift nearly 1,400 hats and gloves and 325 jackets! We want to continue to help keep people warm in the winter. Thanks to some amazing members in our community we have grown into much more than we ever anticipated!!
Little Fence of Hope-Facebook
Please remember that everything available is first come, first served.
Little Fence of Hope-Facebook
If you have items that you’d like to donate you can go here. for more information.
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