Have you ever wondered what the most visited attraction in Washington State is?
It might surprise you to learn that it’s not the Space Needle or Mount Rainier. In fact, it’s not even a tourist destination at all.
The most visited attraction in Washington State is…drumroll please…the state Capitol building in Olympia!

Why is the state Capitol building one of the most visited attractions in Washington State? Well, there are a few reasons:
First of all, it’s one of the most beautifully designed and well-maintained state Capitol buildings in the country. Located on the picturesque Puget Sound, with sweeping views of Mount Olympus and the Olympic Mountains, it’s no wonder that so many people come to visit.
Another reason why the state Capitol building is such a popular destination is because of its rich history. It was built between 1922 and 1928 and houses 18 major art installations and monuments on the campus worth looking at and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Over the years, the state Capitol building has been home to a number of important events, including the inauguration of Washington State governors.
Today, it houses the offices of the governor, lieutenant governor, and state treasurer, as well as the Washington State Legislature.
If you’re ever in Olympia, be sure to check out the state Capitol building. They have guided tours available Monday through Friday, and there’s also a terrific museum located inside.
Even if you’re not interested in politics or history, the state Capitol building is definitely worth a visit. Who knows? You might just end up enjoying it more than you thought you would.
Seven Roadside Attractions Near Tri-Cities Worth Checking Out!
needing a road trip on the cheap? Here are seven roadside attractions near the Tri-Cities that are free to check out.