The Kennewick School District announced Thursday, October 13th, they will begin holding flu shot clinics at a variety of schools through November.
Shots begin on Oct. 14th Friday
KSD Public Relations and Communications Officer Robyn Chastain released the following information:
” Kennewick School District is offering flu shot clinics at several of our schools and facilities in October and November. Flu vaccines will be available (including high-dose vaccines for people 65 and older), along with COVID-19 boosters for people 18 and older. Appointments aren’t required and the community is welcome.”
The shots are free with most insurance plans.
The District also released the full schedule, which you can also see by clicking here.
Here are some of the dates and times:
- October 14th 7:30-9 AM at Southgate Elementary
- October 14th 3:15-4:30 PM at Edison Elementary
- October 18th 7:30-9 AM at Canyon View Elementary
- October 18th 3:15-4:30 PM at Sage Crest Elementary
- October 21st. 9-10:30 AM at the KSD Admin Building on 4th
- October 24th 2:30-4 PM at Legacy High School
- October 25th 7:30-9 AM at Westgate Elementary
- October 25th 2:30-4 PM at Highlands Middle School
- October 28th 7:30-9 AM at Cottonwood Elementary
- October 28th 3:15-4 PM at Southridge High School.
For the rest of the October and November dates, click here.
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