Kennewick schools, like many others in our region, have been using computers and online programs for students and parents for some time. But this is another significant change.
KSD to launch new Parent Square app
Beginning October 4th, Tuesday, KSD parents will have the option to receive all school communication, share files, and a host of other tasks via the new KSD app.
It’s called ParentSquare, and KSD says it’s available for download in the App Store or Google Play. Parents who currently receive emails from the District and/or their child’s school will receive an activation email or text from ParentSquare. It contains instructions on how to set up the app.
From information released Tuesday by the KSD, this is what the App will do:
- “Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences..and other functions “
There is also a video with instructions and information, according to KSD. Based on information from the ParentSquare website, the app is used in 44 states in numerous school districts, Yakima Schools began using the app in 2021.
The idea for the app came about in 2010 and was developed from there.
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