Kennewick Schools would see more resource officers (security) if the levy passes in February 2023.
Additional School Resource Officers would be added
One of the ways KSD has come up with to deal with how to add more security at schools is to add resource officers who are retired police officers.
There are already five Kennewick Police who serve at the three main high schools, Kamiakin, Kennewick, and Southridge. as well as two middle schools. The levy, plus matching funding from the state if the levy passes, would add three more resource officers, plus others for elementary schools as well–utilizing trained retired police.
The idea, according to Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce, grew out of active shooter training that KSD staff were able to attend in August.
The idea was approached of utilizing retired police officers, who would go through special training and help provide armed security for elementary and the rest of the middle schools.
The five current officers are provided by the Kennewick Police Department, these additional SROs would be funded by the levy, and matching funds from the state if the levy passes in 2023.
It will be re-run for the third time on February 14th. Two previous efforts were not passed by voters. To see more of what is in the levy proposal, click here.
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