Richland, Wash. –
In recent months there have been numerous car thefts and vandalisms to different nurses’ cars while parked in the Kadlec employee parking lot.
I spoke with a nurse who wishes to remain anonymous who was one of three nurses whose car was broken into. I asked her if she felt safe while at work.
The nurse tells me ” I didn’t used to be afraid to go to work, um a little bit. I definitely think more about my safety.”
The nurse tells me that with the days getting darker earlier, her concerns about her and her co-workers safety grows.
According to the nurse this isn’t the first time that this has happened.
I reached out to Kadlec and they sent me a statement saying: “One of our core values is safety. We have a strong security services team, and we are continuously evaluating our safety security protocols. We are disappointed and concerned that several of our caregivers’ vehicles were broken into. It’s disheartening that our caregivers who bring healing and care to our community have been impacted by this vandalism. Our security team has increased patrols, works closely with law enforcement, and assists impacted care givers.”
I have also reached out to the Richland Police Department; it says it didn’t have any information on the vandalisms as of right now.
I asked the nurse what they would like to see done at the hospital to make the employees feel safer.
The nurse says “I would really like to see security at the entrances, especially after dark. I would like to see security rounding especially around the parking areas throughout the night and especially at shift change hours.