Kennewick Police announced Monday the results of a massive crime sweep in the Tri-Cities that has put 28 suspects behind bars.
55 charges were filed against the 28 perps
KPD Commander Aaron Klem released the information, which details a large investigative sweep involving the Richland city police department and the Benton County Sheriff’s departments.
According to Klem:
“Over the course of the week, with the help of our crime analysts, this cooperation resulted in the arrest of 28 individuals throughout all three jurisdictions. These individuals had allegedly been responsible for several crimes in our region and their arrests resulting in more than 55 charges; 28 misdemeanors and 27 felonies, through either warrants or additional new charges. This effort also resulted in the recovery of three stolen vehicles.”
It appears perhaps some ‘organized’ crime and theft rings have been broken up, we have seen a lot more of that kind of activity over the last couple of years. Especially since COVID, there’s been an increase in criminals working as ‘units’ to try to pull off crimes in an organized fashion.
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
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