Can You Name All The Washington State Castaways On Survivor?
It’s hard to imagine but the TV series Survivor has been going for 43 seasons, getting its start in 2000.
Yakima and Ephrata Have Had Castaways On The TV Show Survivor
626 contestants have been on the show through the years. As I did the research for the article, I discovered that most contestants, or castaways as the show calls them, hail from California. California is one of the most populous states, it makes sense, and also a lot of wanna-be actors in Hollywood would kill to be on the show.

Surprisingly, you’d think there would be a lot of castaways from Washington State, and yes they are in there but other states seem to dominate the castaway pool. Oregon and Idaho also have had castaway contestants but this article is all about Washington State.
I know someone who competed on Survivor, Michelle Schubert from Yakima and that’s where I got to hear all about the behind scene stuff that you normally don’t get to hear about.
I’ve always wanted to compete on the show and think it would be awesome. I also watch the show and see the pounds come off so it might even be my new weight loss program.
Washington State Does Have The First Two-Time Winner In Survivor History
I thought it would be fun to recap all the castaways from Survivor and here they are:
Here Are The 12 Contestants From Washington That Made It On Survivor
Only 12 contestants from Washington State have made it on the TV show “Survivor”
There have only been 12 players from Washington State so far out of over 600 castaways so those that have been on the show are in a special group.
Season 43 just kicked off and features a castaway from Meridian Idaho this year. I’m sure you are like me and will root them on as well.
Do You Recognize 5 Famous People That Graduated from Kennewick High School?
Kennewick High School in Kennewick Washington has had some amazing alumni, do you recognize these 5 famous people that graduated from Kennewick High School?
22 Famous Richland High School Bomber Alumni You Might Recognize
Here are 22 famous graduates of Richland High School that you might recognize. Sports, music, space, and public service, Richland High School has quite a few distinct graduates.