The search continues for a suspect who led Grant County Deputies on a wild chase Monday evening.
The suspect refused to pull over for a traffic stop
Around 6:15 PM, a GCSO Deputy spotted a Ford pickup traveling well over the speed limit in a 50 MPH zone on State Route (SR) 17. The Deputy gave chase, but the driver refused to pull over for the traffic stop and sped away at an even higher speed.
During the chase, the driver blew through stop signs on various county roads, veered into the opposite lane of travel, but fortunately no other vehicles or persons were hit. The driver then headed north on Road K-7 Northeast, which is just east of Moses Lake.
Moses Lake Police laid down spike strips further down the road, and they blew out the truck’s tires, ending the pursuit.
However, the driver, identified as 32-year-old Michael Dean Sheppard of Moses Lake, bailed out of the truck and fled into a nearby cornfield. He was able to escape on foot.
He is now wanted on felony eluding of a police officer. After checking the plates and registration, officers contacted the owner and it turned out to be Sheppard’s parents.
The search continues, anyone who sees him in the area, call 509-762-1160, however, officials say he is not considered a threat to the public.
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.
Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff