It’s every kid’s dream to drive a giant pumpkin.
Imagine driving a giant pumpkin on the water. The West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta is one of Oregon’s most anticipated annual events, which brings crowds of thousands to the area.
When is this year’s West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta?
The Regatta will be held on Sunday, October 16th from 10 am till 4 pm at Lake of the Commons at 8325 SW Nyberg Street, in Tualatin, OR. The pumpkin races will be at 12 pm and at 2 pm. There will be pumpkin bowling, golf, crafts, entertainment, food, and more!
Who supplies the pumpkins for the Regatta?
The Pacific Giant Vegetable Growers and their members supply the gourds for the day’s races. According to the website, they “grow ’em BIG!”
The Pacific Giant Vegetable Growers (PGVG) is an association of gardeners focused on the fun-filled, competitive hobby of growing obscenely large vegetables. While Atlantic Giant pumpkins and squash are often the show-stoppers, we grow and recognize all fruits and vegetables on the international competition list defined by the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth (GPC). We host annual weigh-offs, as well as other community events.
As a community organization, we hope to encourage individuals and families to enjoy gardening together. We strive to treat all of our members equally and fairly and are always looking for ways to improve our organization for the benefit of our members. Above all, we want the hobby of gardening and growing giant vegetables to be fulfilling, rewarding, and fun for everyone involved.