Does Washington State Have A Law Making it Illegal To Prepare For A Nuclear Attack?
I was one of the kids that watched “The Day After” movie in 1983 and was totally terrified of a nuclear attack. If you grew up in Washington State as a kid, it was always in the back of your mind.
Washington State Has Some Crazy Laws On The Books, This Is One Of Them
My grandmother (god bless her) had me so scared in junior high that the world was going to end, I don’t think I slept a wink for nights at a time. Luckily, it never happened and here we are in 2022.
The crazy thing, there is a Washington State law still on the books making it technically illegal for Washington State to prepare for a nuclear war. I’m shaking my head, Washington State is the home of one of the biggest nuclear sites in America and we don’t have a contingency plan if a bomb is dropped on the state.
I searched high and low for any article disproving that the law had been removed from the books and so far the last article dates back to 2017.
There is a law that dates back to the 1980s when the Washington State Legislature banned the state from preparing for a nuclear attack. The 1984 law actually prevents Washington State Emergency Management from planning for a nuclear strike according to an article from KIRO 7.
According To Research, The Law Still Sits On The Washington State Books
Another article posted by confirms the crazy law and legislation have been unsuccessful in getting the law removed from the books.
If the law has been removed, I can’t find a notation of it anywhere so I have to assume at this writing that the law is still on the books. You can app chat me on the app if you know if the law has been removed from the books but even if it has, what a crazy law it was, to begin with.
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LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.