RICHLAND, Wash. — The windstorm from Friday, November 4 left around 2,000 people without power; some of them only had power restored November 8, according to the city of Richland.
City crews were called out around 500 times for streetlight poles, power lines, cables pinned under trees, lines on houses, cars and sheds…plus all the people without power. They worked day and night, with help from a Big Bend Electric Cooperative crew.
“Crews replaced poles, transformers, and responded to hundreds of service drops with lines on the ground in backyards, atop houses, sheds, cars, etc.,” said the city of Richland on Facebook. “Streetlight poles were done, traffic signals were without power, and communication cables throughout the community were knocked down or pinned beneath trees.”
The winds reached speeds of 74 mph in Tri-Cities that weekend. The strongest gust was reported at the top of Rattlesnake Mountain, reaching 107 mph, according to the National Weather Service.