Big things are on the horizon this summer for Tri-Citians.
The lineup for the inaugural Uptown Get Down music festival was just announced on Friday, February 17th. The festival bills itself as the “first multi-genre multi-venue music festival” in Tri-Cities. The organizer of the festival is the Emerald of Siam which has done tremendous work in recent years to re-establish the music scene of Tri-Cities, which had fallen to the wayside in the past decade or so.
Photo by Joey Thompson on Unsplash
The Uptown Shopping Center in Richland has been a vibrant, bustling social hub for years. I still remember when they brought out food trucks a few summers ago to keep up with all the hungry party people. This new festival will take advantage of Uptown’s layout and status as an arts mecca for Tri-Cities.
2019 Daytime Beauty Awards
There are several acts that are billed for Uptown Get Down, but the big name is Afroman, whose “Because I Got High” has been a stoner anthem for decades.
Other acts range from local bands to touring acts from far away. The genres range from dance to folk, rock, and hip-hop. There are several Uptown businesses that will be a part of the festivities. If you’d like more info, there is a nice set of informational stories on the festival’s Instagram page.