For years, the Yakima Training Center, formerly referred to by many as the Yakima Firing Range, has been a huge military training area for decades; it currently services Joint Base Lewis McChord and other bases in the PNW. It’s not designed for public trips or recreating.
Army says there’s been a rash of trespassings
The US Army and the Join Training Center are urging residents along the south border of the 510 square mile training area, namely near Moxee, to be on the lookout for anyone seen trespassing into the site.
The Army says especially near Mieras Road, there’s been a growing number of intrusions, where people (mostly in trucks) are driving around barriers to get onto the land.
The Army says the roads in the training area are designed to be driven by military vehicles, not your typical truck or 4X4. Numerous people have crashed, rolled, or badly damaged their vehicles in the area. And, some have even been injured.
Not to mention, they also endanger themselves. The Army is very vigilant when it comes to live-fire exercises, but people who stray onto the YTC land can face significant trespassing charges.

The Army provided an image of one such intruder, who pretty much destroyed their vehicle trying to four-wheel on the training grounds.
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.
Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff