The Red Cross is holding blood drives all across the PNW, offering a $10 e-gift card for everyone who donates through November.
KENNEWICK, Wash. — The American Red Cross is giving an incentive to give blood this season. The organization holds local blood drives Monday through Friday, looking for donations of any blood type.
Josh Bryant is a mobile collection phlebotomist with the Red Cross. He said they need blood donations all year, but there are more donors when the holiday season comes around.
Annie Bunch, one donor who came to Kennewick’s VFW to give blood Monday said she’s given blood twice now. She got a text saying the Red Cross was looking for donors.
READ: Red Cross announces national crisis due to the ‘worst blood shortage in more than a decade’
“For people that are sick or really need blood, and I know they have blood shortages everywhere, and so it’s really important to give blood,” said Bunch.
For most people who give blood, Bryant said they’re looking to help people out.
“A lot of the times, it can be trying to help out another person. It can be, they just want to do something because they’re interested,” said Bryant. “And then also the Red Cross is good about giving you a little incentive for coming in and giving a donation.”
Another reason is that they’ve had people in their lives who have needed a blood transfusion.
“My grandma, she was in the hospital a lot before she died and she definitely needed some blood there,” Bunch said.
For those who donate, the Red Cross notifies them to let them know when their gift has paid off. Bryant said he donated for the first time recently.
“It was just the other day, I had a text message and it told me that my unit was used and yeah, it made me feel really good,” Bryant said.
The Red Cross has facilities set up all around the country. Right now, until the end of November, everyone who donates receives a $10 e-gift card.
You can find your closest donation location here.