One Big Winter Law in Washington State Everyone Forgets About
With the cold snap rolling through Washington State this week, there is one law many of us forget about and it could get you a ticket if you are caught.
What Are the Laws About Scraping Ice Off Your Windows in Washington?
My co-worker Patti noticed that one of the cars in the station parking lot seemed like the windows hadn’t been scrapped and it looked like there was a small window for the driver to see out.

It got me thinking. I’ve been guilty of not scrapping down my windows of ice during the winter months so I’m curious about what the legality of not completely clearing off windows is.
Why Clearing Ice from Your Car Windows is Legally Required in Washington
So I did a quick Google search and here’s what I found:
In Washington State, it is illegal to drive a vehicle with ice, snow, or other nontransparent material on the windshield that obstructs the driver’s view. Drivers can be ticketed for not clearing their windshield.
The law is under Washington Chapter 46.37 RCW which breaks down the requirements of scrapping ice and keeping your windshield clear in Washington State.
I’m sure after you read this article, you’ll now start looking around and you’ll be surprised at how many drivers are breaking the law.
I don’t have a carport or garage so I warm up my truck and scrap the windows before I leave. It takes a few more minutes but I don’t need a ticket from the police.
I haven’t heard of anyone getting pulled over for this law that we seem to forget about but better safe than sorry this winter season.
6 Common Washington State Laws I’m Sure You Break on a Daily Basis
I’ll fess up to breaking one of these laws on a daily basis, how about you?
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals
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Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals