I know plenty of young mothers who are frantically racing around each day getting their kids to sports and lessons and school functions and classes of one kind or another.
I think it’s awesome that parents are willing to invest so much in the future of children. And for sure there are wonderful reasons to keep your child active and learning new skills and activities.
Stressed parents find relief in not having to entertain kids
But let’s not forget the days as a youngster when it was up to us to make our own fun!
Creativity is born when kids are bored.
The creativity came for us when playing in the neighborhood with other kids (in my case at the horse corral where I had my horse) Often times we’d all be sitting around for hours waiting for the evening pickup from our parents.
We would stay out past dark feeding, caring for, and riding horses but also playing some wicked games of tag on horseback or football in the arena or we’d make up some other fun game to play.
On other days we’d be riding bikes or hiking to a fresh spring of water to see the falls in the Redwood forest. Sometimes we’d make treasure hunts all through the town I was in. (Felton CA)
My point is we had time to sit around and congregate.
Kids need time to relax with friends
As adults, we love to sit and visit with friends and have time to just socialize instead of constantly being mandated to perform or be quiet and learn something.
I think the creativity that comes when kids are bored, is important. Otherwise, they never learn to sit with themselves and process their thoughts. It also helps them learn how to be social.
Keep in mind, this is just my opinion. These are my thoughts. But with all the kids I grew up with, we all seem to have found interesting careers that we love. We’ve all avoided drugs and alcohol and have had no issues with the law.
I researched the topic to see if there were any actual studies done and found this The Benefits of Boredom.
I’m just saying, I think parents are very focused on not allowing kids to have free time to get in trouble. And there is some truth in that I’m sure. But those values are learned at home and can’t be avoided by staying busy.
I think kids need time to learn how to fall and get back up again and need the time to learn how to process their emotions and get along with others.
Constantly needing to perform in sports or activities mandated by parents isn’t always the only way to do things.
Maybe it’s okay if your child has to think of something fun to do with friends instead of being constantly entertained or given something to do.
When we were kids, if we were ever bored, we would all write down something to do that sounded fun. We’d put those papers in a bowl and choose one after the other to do.
It was fun and allowed us to be open-minded about other people’s ideas. We learned to give everyone’s ideas a chance. We discussed things and came up with creative ideas as a group.
And the most important thing is it got us active and outside! Just stuff to think about. Send me an app chat and let me know what is working for you as a parent.

Things to do in Washington State
Social media could be down, or you may just simply be looking for something to do in our great Evergreen state, check out these options!
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