My co-worker is pregnant with her 3rd child, and she was telling me the other day about how excited her other two children are.
“When can we show him how to play Fortnite?“
“This baby isn’t seeing a screen until he/she is at least 30!“
Sure, she says that now, but who knows what the future will hold.
I’m required to have social media for my job, and ever since COVID, kids are doing more and more school work from home, so it won’t surprise me when a type of social media account is required to sign in for school (if that isn’t already the case in some areas).
boy and girl on phones looking sad. emoji looking concerned.
With the world constantly plugged in and online, there’s a debate about how young is too young to be on social media.
When is the young person’s brain fully developed enough to handle it?
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of all the negative things that are out there.
Yes, there are even more positives, but the positives never get people into trouble (which you hear about).
What Is The Minimum Age For Social Media In Washington?
While all social media require you to be of a certain age to join, an online education company called Test Prep Insight ran a survey asking parents how they felt about a minimum age for kids on social media.
Washington parents say that 14 is a good minimum age for social media accounts, although 2 out of 3 parents don’t want their kids using social media to follow celebrities or influencers.
Washington’s Screen Time Is The 2nd Worse In The Country
Issues about mental health in dealing with social media and all the news with the ban of TikTok are definitely making waves; I’m just glad social media wasn’t around when I was in my developmental years.
How do you feel about kids and social media? Is 14 a good age, too young, too old? Tap the App and let us know what you think.

81 Missing Children From Washington. Do You Recognize Anyone?
I remember seeing missing children’s images on milk cartons. It’s every parent’s nightmare. When children go missing from home, school, anywhere, fear sets in. Who took the child or teen? What happened? Please take a look at these missing children images. One of these kids could be your neighbor, friend, or family member. Do you have any information about any of these missing people?
Gallery Credit: Jaime Skelton