KENNEWICK, Wash.- The Children’s Reading Foundation of the Mid-Columbia encourages parents to read with their children 20 minutes every day.
Executive Director, Leanne Luehrs-Purcell said their mission is to ensure children are reading at grade level by the end of third grade. “Families and caregivers can be their child’s first and most influential teacher,” said Luehrs-Purcell.
That is why the foundation encourages families to “Take the Pledge” and commit 20 minutes of their day to read with their kids. Luehrs-Purcell said this exposure to vocabulary and phonics helps prepare children for the classroom.
“On another level when you read with your child you’re showing that your love them,” said Luehrs-Purcell. “It can be really a bonding and attaching experience.”
The Children’s Reading Foundation of the Mid-Columbia also works to distribute books to communities across the region.
One of those program is Resolution Read. “500 families across the Mi-Columbia have signed up to make the resolution to read 20 minutes a day,” said Luehrs-Purcell. “Throughout the month of January we’re delivering bags to their doorsteps with 12 free books.”
Another program the foundation leads is called Team Read. During this volunteer program, volunteers work with 12 schools across the region to help struggling readers.
The Children’s Reading Foundation of the Mid-Columbia has volunteer donation opportunities on their website.