It the time of year many of us look forward to…the week that Girl Scout Cookies are available to buy. Whether you like to Do-Si-Do, prefer a Tagalong, or sit back with the classic Trefoil shortbread cookies, this is the time you stock up until next year.
Girl Scouts Facebook
If you’re a fan of two particular cookies, then stocking up this year will be your last time to do so. The last time the Girl Scouts discontinued a cookie was more recent that you might think. In 2023 they discontinued Raspberry Rallys one year after they debuted. They were also the first cookie to be available exclusively online.
The cookie was patterned after thin mints except under the chocolate coating was a pink, raspberry favored crispy cookie. Sounds like it would go over great…but it didn’t, leading to it’s very short life. Two more flavors will be headed to moth balls after 2025, one of which is sure to upset many girl scout cookie afficianados.

Yesterday (January 7th) the organization announced that Toast-Yay and S’mores will no longer be offered after this year. Toast-Yay’s have been around since 2021 and are only available in select areas. They are a shortbread cookie dipped in icing and designed to mimic the flavor of french toast. Poor sales could be the reason for this decision as one troop on Reddit said out of 3000 boxes sold…only 35 were Toast Yay.
Toast Yay & Smores (Girl
The S’mores decision is a little more confusing. Believe it or not, the Girl Scouts are considered the originators of the campfire classic comprised of graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallow in 1927. In 2016 (the 100th Anniversary of the group’s founding) they introduced a cookie version of S’mores that became the most successful new cookie launch in their history.
If I Can Buy Them, Where Can i Get Them?
Even though this week is the national launch for sales of Girl Scout Cookies, locally they aren’t currently available to buy and won’t be until roughly a month from now. Look for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho selling cookies once February hits.
If you’re looking to turn a negative in to a possible personal positive with this news, consider this…after Raspberry Rally was discontinued, entrepreneurial minded individuals bought up a bunch of boxes and sold them for around four times the asking price on the internet.
How much a box of Girl Scout cookies costs throughout the years
Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio