Washington Republicans announced Tuesday that when the 2025 legislative session convenes on Monday, January 13th, Moses Lake Representative Tom Dent will maintain his leadership role on the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Dent has served on the committee since he was first elected in 2014.
“There are potentially some very important issues the committee will need to address this session, including riparian buffers, water rights and storage, wildfires, and forest management,” Dent said. “I had a good bipartisan relationship with the previous chair of the committee, but he is now in the Senate. I am hopeful the new committee leadership will continue the strong bipartisanship decision-making we have had in previous years.”
Dent raises bison and grows hay lives with his family on the Flying T Ranch outside of Moses Lake.
In addition, Dent will continue to serve on the House Human Services, Youth and Early Learning Committee.
“As in past sessions, much of my legislative focus will be on our youth, whether it’s child care, mental health or foster care,” said Dent.
He will also remain on the House Transportation Committee.
“I have an aviation background that very few in the Legislature have, and as we look to expand Washington’s aviation infrastructure, I can provide a unique perspective to this committee and transportation situation,” said Dent. “It is imperative that we make our small municipal airports effective and more operational as we see our state grow.”
The Washington Legislature is scheduled for 105 days.
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