Fusarium head blight is becoming a greater struggle for wheat growers across the Northwest. BASF recently rolled out a new fungicide, Sphaerex, which can help in the fight. Kim Tutor, Technical Marketing Manager at BASF said Sphaerex combines two proven active ingredients.
“It’s the best product on the market in that battle against Fusarium head blight,” she noted. “We know Fusarium head blight is problematic because it results in a vomitoxin called D.O.N. So, when you take that grain to the elevator, you can get docked not only in terms of yield in the field, but also at that grain elevator in terms of quality.”
Tutor added they also have several key products to help battle foliar diseases early in the season.
“Those would be Nexicor fungicide and Priaxor fungicide, so that could go out either at that herbicide timing or that flag leaf timing. And then you certainly want to follow up at that early to mid-flowering that feekes 10.5.1. with that Sphaerex fungicide.”
She noted timing is so important. And she added that Nexicor, Priaxor and Sphaerex can help barley growers as well. Listen to our entire conversation with Tutor here:
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