A Surprising Place to BORROW a Discovery Pass & Snowshoes
Don’t let the recent snow in the hills and colder temps keep you, your friends, and your family from exploring the abundant hiking trails in North Central Washington.
Where Can I Borrow a Washington Discovery Pass?
Besides checking out and borrowing books and music CDS from our local NCW Libraries, you can also check out Washington Discovery passes from any NCW library!
Each Discovery pass will allow a single vehicle to enjoy a Washington State Park. Please note that the pass can be used for two weeks and must returned before its 14-day borrowing period expires. NCW Libraries only have limited Discovery Passes available, so plan on contacting the library to see when you can borrow a pass and enjoy a state park, like Squilchuck State Park or Potholes State Park.
That’s awesome! Now, where can I borrow some snowshoes?
You can borrow your family’s snow shoes from an NCW Library branch! Each set of snow shoes includes a carrying bag. NCW Libraries allows you to use them within their 14-day borrowing period. Learn how to reserve your snowshoes by clicking this link.
Snow Shoeing the West Coast CREDIT: Mario Tama/Getty Images
Where can I go for snowshoeing in North Central Washington?
Lake Wenatchee State Park has 10 miles of snow-shoeing trails
Stevens Pass Nordic Center offers rentals and scenic Cascade Mountain trails.
Wenatchee Crest Snowshoe (Blewett Pass) is an ideal place for beginners to enjoy the activity and the breathtaking mountain views!
Wenatchee’s Squilchuck State Park offers lots of great trails to check out.

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