7 Reasons You Hear Loud “Booms” in Washington State
So our dog Bodhi freaks out whenever he hears a “boom” in the neighborhood and shakes like a scared cat.
I hear booms all the time, too, so it got me thinking: What are the possible reasons we hear booms all over the state of Washington?
So I did a quick search and discovered seven possible reasons that we hear those loud “booms” right here in the Tri-Cities, let’s see if you agree with our list:
7 Reasons You Hear Loud “Booms” in Washington State
So my dog goes crazy when he hears loud booms and runs away like a scared cat but what are the reasons we seem to hear loud “booms” in Washington State – Let’s break down seven possibilities
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals
There you go, and there are seven possibilities that you will hear loud booms around the Tri-Cities and Washington State.
Do you agree or disagree? Our poor doggo has to suffer through, especially during the 4th of July and New Year’s.
[PHOTOS] 13 Washington DOT Pics of Bomb Cyclone Destruction
The Washington State Department of Transportation clean-up after bomb cyclone hits Washington State.
Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals
See Why Washingtonians Flock to AZ for Warmer Weather
Faith’s Winter Trip to Sedona Arizona
Gallery Credit: Faith Martin